Figure shows a tank of water or other liquid open to atmosphere. As every diver knows, the pressure increases with depth below the air – water interface. The diver’s depth gauge, in fact , is a pressure sensore much like that of figure. As every mountaineer knows, the pressure decreases with altitude as one ascends into the atmosphere . The pressures encountered by the diver and the mountaineer are usually called hydrostatic pressures, because they are due to fluids that are static ( at rest ). Here we want to find an expression for hydrostatic pressure as a function of depth or altitude.
Let us look first at the increase in pressure with depth below the water’s surface. We set up vertical y axis in the tank, with its origin at the air – water ontreface and positive direction upward. We next consider a water sample contained in a imaginary right circular cylinder of horizontal base ( or face ) area A, such thay y1 and y2 ( both of which are negative numbers ) are the depths below the surface of the upper and lower cylinder faces, respectively.
shows a free- body diagram for the water in cylinder. The water is static equilibrium ; that is, it is stationary and the forces on it balance. Three forces act on it vertically: Force F1 acts at the top surface of the cylinder and is due to the water above the cylinder. Similarly, force F2 acts at the bottom surface of the cylinder and is due to the water just below the cylinder . The gravitational force on the water in the cylinder is represented by mg , where m is the mass
of the water in the cylinder . The balance of these forces is wriiten as
We want to transform equation into an equation involving pressures. From equation we know that
The mass m of the water in the cylinder is from
Where the cylinders volume V is the product of its face area A and its height y1 - y2 . Thus, m is equal
Substituting this , we find
This equation can be used to find pressure both in liquid ( as a fuction of depth ) and in the atmosphere ( as a fuctin of altitude or height ). For the former , suppose we seek the pressure p at a depth h below the liquid surface . then we choose level 1 to be surface , level 2 to be a distance h below it, and p0 to the represent the atmosphere pressure on the surface . We then substitute
Which becomes
Sample Problem
Balancing of pressure in U – tube
The U-tube in figure contains two liquids in static equilibrium: Water of density ( = 998 kg/m3 ) is in the right arm, and oil of unknown density is in the left . Measurement gives l = 135 mm and d = 12.3 mm. What is the density of the oil ?
The pressure pint at the level of the oil – water interface in left arm depends on the density of oil and height of the oil above the interface . The water in the right arm at the same level must be at the same pressure pint. The reason is that, because the water is in static equilibrium , pressure at points in the water at the same level must be the same even if points are separated horizontally.
Calculation : in the right arm, the interface is distance l below the free surface of the water, and we have
In the left arm, the interface is a distance l + d below the free surface of the oil , and we have
Equation these two expressions and solving for the known density yield
Note that the answer does not depend on the atmospheric pressure p0 or free – fall acceleration g.